Turns out, in the words of my advisor, "no way". More precisely, the art ed program is structured in such a way that the possibility of me doing it at 3 classes a semester is slim to none. What's a budding art teacher/full-time+ tech support rep to do??
Turns out, Indianapolis University offers a 1-year MAE program (Master of Art in Education) for anyone with a bachelors degree. This apparently includes BFAs, so after my undergrad, I take an intense 10-month course in education, and (hopefully) at the end of 5 years, instead of 2 bachelors, I'll have my BFA AND my MAE, and the only grad work I'll need to do is for fun!!
Is God good or what?? That means I can take a General Studio major, which will allow me to take pretty much whatever I want, and get all kinds of experience in all kinds of mediums, which is what I think I need anyway to teach. Coincidentally, it's also what I really, really want to do. :)
So move over Classroom technology & PPST testing & math, here I go with furniture design, printmaking, photography, & metalsmithing :)
Also, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.
I'm proud of you Jen!!!! Hope to see you sometime this spring or summer.
Hey! What great news!! I dreaded the time my education classes took away from my music classes...let the creativity river flow!
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