Friday, February 19, 2010

Course Correction

Yay, I'm not going to be a double major!! :) I thought the only way I could get the teaching certification & studio experience I wanted/needed was to double major in studio art & art education. I figured I could do it part time, it would just take me longer (hence the 40th birthday finish goal).

Turns out, in the words of my advisor, "no way". More precisely, the art ed program is structured in such a way that the possibility of me doing it at 3 classes a semester is slim to none. What's a budding art teacher/full-time+ tech support rep to do??

Turns out, Indianapolis University offers a 1-year MAE program (Master of Art in Education) for anyone with a bachelors degree. This apparently includes BFAs, so after my undergrad, I take an intense 10-month course in education, and (hopefully) at the end of 5 years, instead of 2 bachelors, I'll have my BFA AND my MAE, and the only grad work I'll need to do is for fun!!

Is God good or what?? That means I can take a General Studio major, which will allow me to take pretty much whatever I want, and get all kinds of experience in all kinds of mediums, which is what I think I need anyway to teach. Coincidentally, it's also what I really, really want to do. :)

So move over Classroom technology & PPST testing & math, here I go with furniture design, printmaking, photography, & metalsmithing :)

Also, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.


Candy said...

I'm proud of you Jen!!!! Hope to see you sometime this spring or summer.

Jayme said...

Hey! What great news!! I dreaded the time my education classes took away from my music classes...let the creativity river flow!