Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My only birthday on Easter, ever...

Carl & Lori sent me a very sweet card for my birthday, along with an explanation of why we will never in our lifetimes see another Easter this early, and therefore, I will never have another birthday on Easter!
My 34th was very special, not only because of Easter, but also because I went to Michigan to see Dawn at Camp Michindoh!  It was very fun getting her out of the camp and to Battle Creek for some shopping for her new apartment in the health center (she is now officially the camp's health officer - if you need your blood pressure checked, she's your girl :).  Also for dinner Saturday night at Rosalie's, a local public house that reminded me strongly of Yesterday's in Granger in decor, if not in food. 

Mostly very good bar food, but we had sandwiches & wings & enjoyed ourselves thoroughly :).  Then to church on Sunday, one that Dawn had never been to that turned out to be charismatic! :)  But still a very special time to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.  Then back to camp to fix dinner (pork chops, fresh asparagus, gemstone potatoes, deviled eggs, birthday cake & strawberries), and to wander around camp...Michindoh is beautiful, with stone & timber buildings, rocky streams & hillsides, and the lake - especially with 8" of snow on the ground & blue skies & sunshine.  Plus they have the largest water slide I have ever seen outside of an amusement park! (for use in summer of course :)

Then goodbye and back home to do homework and start another week of work & school - tomorrow, a "field trip" to my metalsmithing prof's studio to check out the fun tools :).  It's a beautiful week here, tho' chilly, with blue skies & sunshine, a welcome change from the dull winter grays - spring is on the way!

Hope you have a blessed week, and continue to live in the awareness of Resurrection Day.

1 comment:

Candy said...

Happy Birthday Jen,
I hope it was an extra special day for you!!!!
You are loved!
The Muhmes