Sunday, March 30, 2008


I was just catching up on reading family/friends' blogs and got "homesick" reading my stepmom's blog (  I didn't realize how much I missed them, and how much I can't wait to see them in May! (& Jeff & Ade :)  God is good isn't he?  I'm so thankful tonight for the love & fun of friends & family, and the added sweetness of sharing truth & reality in Him.  Thursday I get to spend some time with Lori, my "adopted mom", as she flies out of Indy to Cali to see Jeff & Ade & the kids.  I'd normally work during the time she will be here, but by the blessing of God, I have 3 1/2 hrs for an early lunch to catch up and be blessed by her sweet fellowship!  I miss my friends & family so far away, but that makes the time together that much sweeter...5 weeks to California & Dad & Becky & Marshall!!!


NotSuchACityGirl said...

That is exciting. I miss my family when I am in Chicago. It would be great if we could get together sometime... :) Miss you too.

Lori said...

Sure did love being with you, sharing that delicious mexican lunch with you, seeing your pictures (don't forget about the CD okay), sharing prayer requests, and talking heart to heart. Love you so much, girl!