Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Job Update

OK, in case my job description seemed kind of fuzzy, I will actually be a technical service rep for automated HVAC/R systems!  Kind of crazy & random I know, but that's what the company has decided to do w/ me :)  So I will have 4-6 weeks of training (wiring diagrams, testing parts, learning about electronics, heating/cooling, etc.) and then I go live helping techs troubleshoot the if I needed another career... :)  But it will certainly be interesting, should be job security, and the pay's pretty good.  Also, my hours will now be noon-9 p.m. after I finish training, so a little more manageable than I previously thought.

And, next metals class I learn how to rivet!, while creeping up on the end of archaic Greek art in H101...

AND...Glori & Aaron got engaged!!!! :)


Anonymous said...


I've seen old posters from the
WWII era showing "Rosie The Riveter". Hmmmmm.

So now, you are a riveter, a Tech. Svc. Rep. for HVAC, and a student.

What comes next ........ NASA Scientist?

You go, girl

Adrienne said...

Wow girl! You always amaze me. ;)

Unknown said...

Cool! I wish I had HVAC/R training. Sounds like things are going really well for you, if not a little busy. Keep it up.