Monday, January 7, 2008

1st Day of School

This is my school!

Today I had metalsmithing & jewelry design @ 9:00, then walked downtown to Borders (it was a balmy 60 degrees!) until I went to work @ B&N at 1:00.  A very busy day, found out that pre-dentistry majors take jewelry design to improve their dexterity (there are 3 in my class), and that there is one other nonstandard (old :) student in that class.  Tomorrow is History of Art 101 @ 9:00, then back to work at 1:00, rinse, repeat...


Lori said...

Hey Jen,

Glad to hear your first day went well. Don't think you'll be changing to 'dentistry" do you?


Jennifer said...

ha ha, only if I meet a cute dentistry student! :)