Saturday, October 31, 2009

God's work of healing & wholeness

Just discovered this poem in the black history section of the Indiana State Museum, and though it doesn't speak specifically of God, it struck me as being a beautiful expression of what God in His power can do in and for broken people in community...and I love the images and rhythm of her writing.

by Mari Evans

I will bring you a whole person
and you will bring me a whole person
and we will have us twice as much
of love and everything...

I be bringing a whole heart
and while it do have nicks and
dents and scars,
that only make me lay it down
more careful-like...

An' you be bringing a whole heart
a little chipped and rusty an'
sometimes skip a beat but
still in all you bringing polish too
and look like you intend
to make it shine

And we be bringing, each of us
the music of our selves to wrap
the other in
forgiving clarities
soft as a choir's last
lingering note, our
personal blend

I will bring you someone whole
and you will bring me someone whole
and we be twice as strong
and we be twice as sure
and we will have twice as much
of love
and everything...


maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

MODY said...


Tia said...

I like this poem also. I see in it a celebration of love, when two whole people join, though dented a little their love brings them polish. Of course I agree that it is God who makes us whole, and when we are whole in God we are then ready for union with another who is whole in Christ.

Thanks for sharing the poem. I have saved a copy.