Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring is Here!

2 weeks ago, I went with a friend to the Eli Lilly House greenhouses at the IMA to enjoy the first sunny 70 degree day of spring (we have had several since then!).  We brought our cameras b/c we both desperately needed the practice, and here are some of the results:


Candy said...

Beautiful shots, Jen. Hope you are doing well. We miss and you love you.

Lori said...

Oh my goodness, jennifer! Those are soooooooooooooo amazing!! Is it the camera, the photographer, or the creator of the flowers that gets the credit? Great team effort!!....and results!!
Love ya, Lori

Heather said...

I love your pics Jen. I especially like that second to last one with the entry way. I'm a fan of pictures of paths and doors. It's like the picture wants you to "make up your own story" as to where the path leads or who's been on it. But the flowers are gorgeous too!

Adrienne said...

Beautiful pics, Jen. I love the close-ups. Those are so fun!

Jayme said...

I love greenhouses. I could spend days in them. They are so inspiring, it makes me want to weep sometimes. I don't think I've ever been more ready for Spring.

NotSuchACityGirl said...

The flowers are lovely.