Well, still no real job yet, but the folks here have been great! This week the curator of the art center paid me to organize his (massive!) cd collection and attempt some organizing in his art studio. What a blast! :) Probably 5-600 cd's and maybe a 1/4 of them were out of their cases, some of which were in separate components...some really great titles too, all across the spectrum, every genre you can think of and some I'd never heard of. He even let me take some of the duplicates, so I'm expanding my horizons as I type this. Jennie & Amanda would have known more than I did and I expect will be jealous. I feel I could make a very entertaining and comfortable living cleaning artist's studios...
Tonight I volunteered at First Friday, the monthly show at HCA, which was themed "Backyard", a fun and warm theme for a 20 degree January evening. My 2nd favorite pieces were a series of really lovely b&w line drawings of individual squirrels, each performing different squirrel actions, each wearing a full-color painted WWF character mask closely fitted to their squirrel faces. It sounds absurd, but you get the feeling looking at the drawings that this is exactly the mindset squirrels have, especially if you've ever seen one mount a full-scale assault on a bird feeder.
But my very favorites were a series of photographs entitled Escape Strategies. 3 were of a man in mid-air above a trampoline in cookie cutter upper middle class suburbia, poised to fly off the picture plane; my favorite was a bird's eye view of a ditto backyard with views over the numerous fences of several other identical backyards, with a turf "lid" set slightly askew off a black whole in the ground, which one could only assume was an escape hatch. A fifth photo showed a folding lounge chair in flight dangling a rope ladder above same yard with same man running and reaching. The irony of that series was that there was no where to escape to - middle class suburbia as far as the camera could reach. One wonders if it was a commentary on American culture or a metaphor for apparently inescapable realities, or perhaps both. Anyway, I love art.
Update: Yesterday I received my financial aid distribution so tonight I write this on my new Macbook Pro! Which it turns out I will need b/c my History of Art professor expects us to check the class website before & after each lecture for outlines, updates and messages. At the risk of sounding like a parent, school has surely changed since I went last.