Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Starting to panic a little this week - only 2.5 weeks left before the big day (6 more days of work!) and so much that's yet to be determined! I too easily focus on what I think I don't have, but if I stop for even a little bit, I'm overwhelmed by the abundance of my life (especially as I start to pack it! :)

Especially notable this week are friends - godly women with whom to share music, books, sushi & life :); my family, including many who aren't even related to me except by love & choice; my churches - 1. FBC which lifted my family up & carried us for so many years, 2. Vineyard which continues to be a respite of honesty, humility & joy, & 3. Redeemer which promises to teach me not only as a Christ-follower but as a creative steward as well. All this on top of food, clothing, a warm place to sleep, a job to do, & oodles of stuff which I am now trying to weed through & load into boxes that won't overwhelm the generous people who are helping me to move.

My reflexive views of my own poverty or abundance are radically out of whack. I know this to be true in theory, but lose sight of it when unexpected expenses pop up (like a traffic ticket for plates I ought to have known were expired :P) or plans don't come together in my time frame, or I simply haven't been the steward I ought to have been. Maybe one of the most significant consequences of mis-stewardship is the attention it takes from the blessings poured out on me. I just finished the Treasure Principle and am trying reconcile those truths with the truth of Heaven Is A Place On Earth, which I've been in the middle of for while. How do you balance storing up treasures in heaven with celebrating all that God has created & given us here (not in terms of possessions but experiences & people)?

If you have any thoughts I'd love to hear them! For now I'm starting, but not ending, with shifting my focus back to His gifts, material & not. So in addition to the list of blessings above, I'm adding God's patience & mercy, & His delight in me.


Stephanie said...

How exciting that you are stepping out into a brand-new stage of life! I am thrilled for you! (:

Candy said...

Glad to hear all is going well. I've been enjoying your blog...been looking at it every few days. We Love you!


Adrienne said...

Jen, I love your list of things you're thankful for. I always enjoy the way you write...and your fresh perspective. I'm thankful for YOU! Have a beautiful Thanksgiving, friend.