I had a good trip to Indy on Monday & Tuesday - all of my gen ed requirements are satisified except for 2 science classes :(~ and I had several interviews at employment agencies that went very well. The consensus is that I should have no trouble finding a job, even if I have to take 2 part-time jobs to work around classes...but what to do about insurance...
The biggest blessing was stopping by Redeemer Presbyterian, a church I was referred to by the local Intervarsity guy & have been checking out online. Long story short, the pastor introduced me to the director of the community art center they run and they practically adopted me on the spot - they are passing my resume around, offered me work-study (which I can't afford to take :( ) and are checking to see if anyone has an apartment to rent or needs a roommate. Joanna's (the director) comment was "there's no need to start from scratch when you have a community ready to support & help you." Isn't God good? He's good regardless, but isn't He GOOD?! :)
The biggest blessing was stopping by Redeemer Presbyterian, a church I was referred to by the local Intervarsity guy & have been checking out online. Long story short, the pastor introduced me to the director of the community art center they run and they practically adopted me on the spot - they are passing my resume around, offered me work-study (which I can't afford to take :( ) and are checking to see if anyone has an apartment to rent or needs a roommate. Joanna's (the director) comment was "there's no need to start from scratch when you have a community ready to support & help you." Isn't God good? He's good regardless, but isn't He GOOD?! :)
WOW!!! Soon you'll be flying to Indy like those leaves are flying off of the trees! Let's see where all God takes you!! You go girl!
Great blog! I'll be checking yours out as you venture to Indy... It's such a great way to keep in touch. Love you girl! Ade
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