in march dawn & i flew down to houston to see our folks, and see marshall baptized - what a joy, and what fun besides! here are some (ok, a lot :) of the highlights (in wonky chronology, b/c of the way i loaded them into blogger)...
The canalwalk in san antonio - breathtakingly lush!
the houston zoo - this is the same fountain i drank out of when i was a little girl! (my grandpa used to roar just as i bent to take a drink :)
the museum of natural science, where marshall had a ball! he's definitely a science boy :)
Remington the faithful brother, companion, guarddog, pillowhog
family photos! this is the leaning tower of jacksons - why they put the shortest on top was beyond me...literally, as i'm balancing on my tiptoes on boxes

just making sure he still feels that way about girls kissing him...

the houston livestock show & rodeo, another childhood memory & an absolute must if you go to houston in the spring!

with josh turner - ay yi yiiiii!! ;)

and the reason for the timing of our trip - marshall made the decision to be baptized into Christ, and i'm so thankful we could both be there to witness it. we love you so much squirt, and pray for you faithfully that this would mark every step you take in the future!
dawn left on sunday to return to camp michindoh & her kiddos there - it's a demanding life, and i'm so proud of her for chasing after god's heart in her life & that place!
remember the alamo! if you were a schoolchild in texas or know anything about texas history, this beautiful mission is a monument to folly & the human spirit - funny how often those 2 are linked...